
REVIEW: “The Hatch” – Michelle Saftich

Without a doubt, Saftich has an excellent ability to create a believable fictional world. Her futuristic version of earth, the human race and its space exploration is intriguing.


REVIEW: “The Music Shop” – Rachel Joyce

If you like music, quirky romance, and a heart-warming story, The Music Shop is the perfect little world in which to escape, as well as giving you an excellent playlist of things to listen to.


REVIEW: “How to Stop Time” – Matt Haig

Haig’s characters are engaging and so painfully real I wanted to sit down with them and share a pot of tea


Five books that have changed me

OK, so if we got down to it, pretty much every book I’ve ever read has changed me in some way or another. But here are five (of many) that I distinctly remember having the “OK-I-need-a-few-days-to-process-what-I-have-just-read-excuse-me-while-I-stare-into-the-distance-and-contemplate-everything-I-have-ever-known” experience. That is its technical term, might I add. (These are in no particular order. Ranking them would be […]